And So This Is White-Ball

… and what have you done?

Another half of the county season over,

a new one to be begun.

Fun is over

If you want it Unless you want to watch cricket, of which there is going to be a lot, including between counties (including Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Gloucestershire, and other disposable community enterprises with a hundred years or more’s history).

The Blast may not be the County Championship, but it is cricket between counties.

I won’t try and discuss the stuff that has emerged about Banks and Graves with Gloucestershire and Yorkshire because I’d use vocabulary which would get me into trouble but I do think it’s very important to make as much noise as possible, all the time, about the privatisation thing and what it would mean. I hope people have read the articles by Atherton and others I’ve posted.

There’s also the World Cup. I’m not a great follower of T20 at all, but I am a proper follower of Associate cricket, and we get Nepal, Scotland, Netherlands, USA, Namibia, Oman, Canada, PNG and for the first time ever Uganda (which is rather exciting).

Many places say it starts on Sunday but it actually starts on Saturday if you’re at the first match.

406 thoughts on “And So This Is White-Ball”

    1. Several other comments about the same subject were also removed but I don’t have a record of exactly what I wrote.

      They were all about the IOC and the ICC and Afghan women in sport. Nothing I said was even very remotely problematic.


    1. Did they say why? – I assume they are being super cautious of anything faintly politically when election reporting rules are in place.


      1. I didsn’t bother asking.

        I’ve had this sort of thing before and it’always been a complete waste of time.

        It occurred to me that perhaps a young moderator thoughty ICC was International Criminal Court, which I’d typed put the first time when the post (a long, detailed one) vanished, so your theory may go somewhere.

        There was nothing at all against any of their rules. If anything, it was too “tofu-eating Guardianista”.

        I’m still very angry about this, as I pay for the Guardian.


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